Monday, November 3, 2014

                                                     Smells like Bacon

It has been an awesome week! So first off we killed a pig this week for an RM party here in Bikenibeu and it was crazy! We cleaned the pig and helped a little with fixing it up. It was kind of sad at first but then I tried some of the pig and I felt better about it. The party was pretty cool and Kiribati people are very fun to be around so it was very family based and a good time.
   We had 2 more baptisms this week and it was an absolutely awesome experience! There was an older man Tiaon and his son Tekinnano that were baptized. This one was different though because Tiaon's right side of his body is paralyzed. I was a little nervous to do it but it worked out perfectly everything went well and he felt the spirit so greatly that he had tears as I said the baptismal prayer it was one of my favorite experiences I have had out here. The gospel blesses lives everywhere whether directly or indirectly. I noticed the other day as I was learning new words that there is no real word for try in Kiribati. I started to think about that and it is pretty interesting that they wouldn't have a word for try and I realized it is because the saying is true that there is no try only do or do not. If you know what you are worth then go and get what you are worth.
   There is so much good that comes from this gospel and blesses the lives of members and non members alike. A good tree beareth good fruits and it can not bring forth bad fruits. I know that this church is true and that it is pure and good because the fruits of the labor that it works are pure and good. Of course nobody is perfect because there has only been one perfect man to walk this earth, but this church is His church. I know that this church is run by God and our Savior through the prophet Thomas Monson and I know that you can find peace and love in it with its teachings and the restored power which it has.  This is the true church on the earth today and it will continue ever onward. I love you all and bear my witness of this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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