Sunday, December 28, 2014


                Howdy! or Kam na bane ni mauri rather!

   First off I hope yous all had an amazingly stellar Christmas this last week, I know mine was pretty spectacular! Hopefully New Year's is great and we got some good resolutions rolling! This week was pretty sweet teaching about the spirit of Christmas and having the spirit testify so strongly is one of the best feelings in the world! We had a Christmas Choir from the schools here come around and sing carols at the chapels Christmas eve and it reminded me of high school days.
  On top of Christmas this week I was able to see just how real the gift of tongues is. I am definitely not bwati raoi or the best at speaking the language yet but I can look back to the MTC and see for myself how i have improved and the other day I met a man from another church who had been out here for over 2 years we were with the other elders and he talked about how he didn't speak very good at the language and he just teaches in English at his meetings and such but when he heard the elders speak, he was pretty amazed and asked how long we'd been here and some were 10 months, over a year, 3 months for me and he was amazed how much we got the language and how we sounded and just kept wondering how. It testified to me that because we have been promised the gift of tongues as long as we kept our part we would receive the Lord's end of the deal. I know that so long as we keep our promises we will receive the blessings of the Lord in His own due time and sometimes we have or are receiving His gifts and we just cant see them yet. Our Father in Heaven loves us and would never leave us to be alone. I know that He is always there and we need only knock, He is waiting to open the door. I love this gospel and know it is true with my heart, search and you will find it. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
  Love, Elder Scot Carrington :)

Monday, December 8, 2014


                The weather outside is... Well delightful!

I am sorry i just see all these messages about cold weather and snow and freezing temperatures and so i just wanted to say it is a constant 84 degrees here with a cool island breeze all week long with the chance of a downpour Tuesday but with the temperature not dropping below 80. 
Haha other than the weather being constant and nice this week has gone pretty good, a little slow but good. We did quite a bit of work this week and did a lot of walking. And apparently to everyone here they think that i am a navy boy with the way i dress and carry myself at least that is what everyone tells me haha so maybe i will look into that afterwards. We visited quite a few people and met a little girl who had us come inside her house and teach her father who i believe was from the KPC or now KUC Kiribati United Church and we ended up talking with the man for over an hour or so about the church. It was interesting because he seemed to get it, it was funny though because there was an empty space of about 2 hours in our schedule and we didnt know what we were going to do so we started walking to tract a little and that is when the girl came to us. I know that everything happens for a reason and for the gain of experience.
       I know that this is the true church of Jesus Christ restored through the prophet Joseph Smith in our day. I know that without a shadow of a doubt in my mind and even though it is tough sometimes i am never alone, we are never alone. The welcoming hand of the savior is always waiting just above our heads to pick us up when we fall and although He may not always carry us through our times of trouble He will never forsake us. This is the true church. I love it with all my heart. Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and Thomas S Monson is a prophet of God in these the latter days. I know that in their words we can find guidance and comfort because their words come from our father in heaven. You can always pray to your father He will always listen. In the name of my savior Jesus Christ amen. I love you all and hope that your week goes great! :)
Love, Elder Scot Carrington

Sunday, December 7, 2014

                                               Preparing makes a difference

This week was teutana imwiin teutana or little after little, but it has been a good learning week for sure! Out here I have learned the importance of obedience even moreso. I know that missionaries have a few more rules to follow than others, but whatever they are they are important to follow. They do more than just keep us safe or going on the right path, they prepare us for the bigger picture. Abiding by the standards set for us prepares us to make a difference. If we are only kind of obedient then can we truly feel the full capacity of the spirit can we fulfill everything that we need to? I have found that sure a missionary can still teach with being only mostly obedient but in the end what if it isn't quite enough for the one person that needed to feel that spirit that you would have had that you could have given. I know that when we live by the standards set by the Lord we will be blessed and not only that, but we will bless the lives of others. I think that is a good thing to focus on with the christmas season here is others, because truly that is what our savior did. He gave the ultimate gift for us and His love surrounds us. We can help pass along this gift to others, what greater a gift could we give to others? I know that my Savior lives, He gave His life for the sins of the world. In Him we can find peace and comfort. For this Christmas remember the Christ in "Christ"mas, surely that is what it is all about. I know through my own search and finding that this church is true the Book of Mormon is true and was translated by the true prophet Joseph Smith. We have a living prophet today who guides us and will not lead us astray. I know these things with my heart to be true. In the name of Jesus Christ amen.
Love Elder Scot Carrington
P.S. My bro had a great idea and I would like to borrow it, Check out and pass it along see and feel what it is all about. :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


        She just Smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich

    Well i guess i will start off with the title. We went to an investigators house to teach and finished the lesson and it is culture to always feed the missionaries or at least give them a drink most of the time. They are very generous and sometimes I feel bad because they feel like they have to bbecause of the culture out here and they have so little sometimes. So anyway you have to eat what they give to you and be as nice about it as possible even if it is pretty bad. So after our lesson our investigator brought out bread with a jar of peanut butter and a jar of vegemite/ marmite. I think i would be completely fine with it if i never saw another jar of vegemite in my life. My companion Elder Fa'oliu said that he likes marmite becasue it was an energy food for rugby and the taste is good to him but not for me oh man i very much so dislike Vegemite and it gives whole new thoughts to the song "Land down under" by men at work.
  We also did some service this week and i had the chance to help dig a well for a family with some of our zone. It was pretty fun actually, I did cut up my feet a little bit since we do it bare foot and when you get 6 feet down or so you start to hit coral but that is alright because my feet will toughen up haha. The work out here is great and the people are very nice. I am starting to hear more and more of the language and being able to speak more of it. It is amazing to see the influence of heaven on the members and missionaries out here!
   I know that God hears and answers prayers I have seen it time and time again before my mission and so many times out in the mission even on a daily basis. I know that He is waiting for us to ask seek and knock so that He can upon unto us the answers that we so desire. Our Father in Heaven acts in mysterious ways because we can not always see the end of the road ahead from out perspective but He can. He will never leave us and I have felt His presence and help everyday out here. I love it here and I have noticed the thing that made it easier was the church, it is so very different out here but the Church is the same the Gospel and it's teachings are the same everywhere and the members who truly live by the teachings are likewise with purpose. The love and welcome that i have felt out here is amazing and as i progress I love to see everyone else progress as well. This is the church of Jesus Christ it was restored through Joseph Smith because he prayed with a sincere heart and desire to know the truth. He lived and died for the church to be restored because it was the will of our Heavenly Father and now because of it and the sacrifices of so many others we have this light today to share and progress with. I know the my redeemer lives and He died for us to be saved, for our sins to be paid for. There is always a way to turn and His love is there for us infinitely it will never be taken away and He will never leave us John 8:29 I bear my testimony to you all that i know these things are true, in the name of our savior Jesus Christ, amen.
  Love, Elder Scot Carrington

Monday, November 3, 2014

                                                     Smells like Bacon

It has been an awesome week! So first off we killed a pig this week for an RM party here in Bikenibeu and it was crazy! We cleaned the pig and helped a little with fixing it up. It was kind of sad at first but then I tried some of the pig and I felt better about it. The party was pretty cool and Kiribati people are very fun to be around so it was very family based and a good time.
   We had 2 more baptisms this week and it was an absolutely awesome experience! There was an older man Tiaon and his son Tekinnano that were baptized. This one was different though because Tiaon's right side of his body is paralyzed. I was a little nervous to do it but it worked out perfectly everything went well and he felt the spirit so greatly that he had tears as I said the baptismal prayer it was one of my favorite experiences I have had out here. The gospel blesses lives everywhere whether directly or indirectly. I noticed the other day as I was learning new words that there is no real word for try in Kiribati. I started to think about that and it is pretty interesting that they wouldn't have a word for try and I realized it is because the saying is true that there is no try only do or do not. If you know what you are worth then go and get what you are worth.
   There is so much good that comes from this gospel and blesses the lives of members and non members alike. A good tree beareth good fruits and it can not bring forth bad fruits. I know that this church is true and that it is pure and good because the fruits of the labor that it works are pure and good. Of course nobody is perfect because there has only been one perfect man to walk this earth, but this church is His church. I know that this church is run by God and our Savior through the prophet Thomas Monson and I know that you can find peace and love in it with its teachings and the restored power which it has.  This is the true church on the earth today and it will continue ever onward. I love you all and bear my witness of this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Monday, October 27, 2014

                                               All is well

There has been quite a bit this week but I am not sure where to start haha. The language is getting better and I can hear a little better now, but it is still hard sometimes. Our investigators are going strong and progressing greatly! This week should be a busy one! I love it here and even though it is very different from home it is absolutely great because I am not alone so for now this is my temporary home for me to help others get back to their eternal ones. The sunsets and water look more and more beautiful everyday, but sometimes the food doesn't haha. that is ok though because I get through it even though they never seem to think you are full. Sitting cross legged on the floor everyday can get to your legs sometimes but my left foot goes numb now so I guess you could consider that an upside! The work is ever progressing onward and the veil that covers eyes is being lifted to see the truth. God is here and he is everywhere. Forever families is an awesome thing and when you are bringing families together and strengthening that bond and seeing it happen it is beautiful and you can feel the love from heaven with them. this work is true and with every day it becomes more and more apparent. I can see divine influences in my every day life. not just when a special occurance calls the need for it, I see it everyday. it is literally all around us. I love the gospel and the fruits it bears. Forever families are real and possible and I keep thinking for a best word but one doesn't come to mind because perhaps one doesn't exist, but it is a perfect plan and incredibly beautiful. I know this to be true. ask and it shall be given knock and it will be opened unto you.
  Love, Elder Scot Carrington

Sunday, October 19, 2014

                                                       Welcome to the Jungle

 The work has begun and it is simply marvelous! Last week I had a baptism i believe in buota and it was a very good day and the boy was excited and happy for it. It is beautiful everywhere here and the people are nice everywhere you go. I had a companion transfer again Sat. and now work in Bikenibeu and the work there is absolutely great, we have a lot of investigators and they are going strong! We have at least usually 6 lessons a day and never have to tract we get them all from refferals. The work is definitely hastening and the field is white. The language is getting a bit easier to hear and comprehend but there is still a bit that I dont understand, it will come though. Speaking is going good and I am learning more and more. Even though my speech is broken and sometimes I know I am not saying things right I can feel a greater power taking over I can feel the spirit testifying of my testimony out here and though it is small at times it is heard. I am just one voice, but one voice can change the world.
    On a different note I wake up once every morning at 4:30 or so to chickens crowing loudly outside my window and all over outside. They never fail to sound and make sure I am awake haha. We also went to an investigating family's house this week and had some fish called milk fish. The family that prepared it didnt take out the bones of the fish but they were so small I thought it was one of the fish that you just eat them. I took out the bigger bones and started eating it and looked over at my companions plate and he hardly had any bones on his plate so I guess he was eating them too so I was eating it right but it was terrible because the bones stabbed my throat and made it hard to eat without gagging. He said I was lucky to have that fish on Tarawa because it was milk fish and it is only found on Christmas island and I remember thinking good it can stay on christmas because I dont feel lucky at all, but I was talking to him afterwards the next day and talked about the bones and He said no you dont eat those, you eat the meat and spit the bones out i just put mine on the ground... Oh awesome. I told him how i thought it wasnt that great of a dish and that now i know why it was not so great haha.We told the family this and they thought it was hilarious haha so i guess the moral of this story dont eat the bones!
      The culture is different out here and they speak a different language and eat different food. It looks different, it feels different, and even smells different but I know that God is here. He is with all his children on all ends of the earth. He loves each and every one and will never leave them alone even when it feels like we are so very lost. "It is better to look up" when we are in the midst of our trials and hardships it is so easy to trudge forward eyes on the mud infront of us, when we are actually not seeing the heavenly help that is coming from above. Always look up because although it may be hard at times there is always good things we can look to good times before, blessings happening now, and Great and marvelous times to come. Keep you head up. Awake and arise from the dust, let your light so shine and be blessed. I know that we can all feel the love God has for us and that He is always there sometimes He may be just waiting for us to ask. He will give you peace and joyous feelings. Count your blessings, angels will attend.    I love you all, stay strong, do good things.
          Love, Elder Scot Carrington

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

                                                The Day Dawn is Breaking

This week ended up flying past. Today we got up at 5 am to do laundry and get a head start hence the title of the day dawn is breaking. I am one of the Online coordinators starting last Sunday so i basically tell the new missionaries about online rules, the MTC programs to go through on the website and the missionary portal. The language is getting much better, I bwati n taetae ni kiribati! I kewe. haha
           You have no idea how much I am dying to eat any other food but the MTC cafe, but you know some days aren't too bad I am starting to learn the phrase "eat to live and not live to eat." So I have learned some information about the culture and environment of Kiribati and despite all of it I am still so excited to leave I want to get on that plane!  So by the sounds of it from my teacher the conditions in kiribati are pretty dirty. The water has worms and there are no running showers or sometimes electricity on outer islands and every missionary gets at least one transfer to an outer island I'm so excited! haha! The rain sounds great, I hear the fish is amazing since it is so fresh and the coconut milk and sap is amazing. I am jumping out of my seat here everytime we talk about it. The Tongans just got there travel plans today and they leave October 4th so it is probably safe to say I will have mine relatively soon as well probably by next week. :)
                   My companions are great! They are hilarious and fun to be around. We have been growing pretty close in brotherly love and have been talking about how cool it would be if by chance 2 of us got paired up at the end of the mission. The times can be tough but it always works out. 
               I feel like I wont feel as prepared as i think i should be when we go to leave but I keep trying to take it one step at a time. If i am not the most prepared when I leave I am sure that i will be when i get there because i am going to have to be haha.
               It's been a great week and I am holding the next one to high standards! It is finally time to forget myself and get to work I have found out. The more I keep my mind here and on the work the more I know I will be prepared! I am so excited for what lies ahead, but I am remembering to watch my step and make sure i have good footing. I look forward to hearing from everyone again and I will end in testimony. 
                I know that God is there. He is always looking after us even when we feel like nothing is there. If you ever feel this way remember he has not set you up to fail and He will be there. The teacher is always quiet during the test. Just bear with patience thine afflictions and everything will work out wait for the light at the end of the tunnel, it may seem dark now but it is assure that the dawn is coming. He will be there. In the name of Jesus Christ amen.
                I love you all! Love, Elder Scot Wayne Carrington

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Photo Blast

Here are the photos he has sent us so far.  He really looks like he is enjoying himself!

Friday, September 12, 2014

The Journey of a Thousand Miles

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, so watch your step. The MTC experience so far has been rough but it is good. I have learned quite a bit and definitely learned to rely on the savior for the areas in which i lack. I am improving in the language and teaching little by little. My teacher informed us that the Marshall Islands are like the 1950's and Kiribati is like the 1850's there are many stories that he has told us as well as our other teacher that have been interesting to say the least. The plane ride over is going to be great because our zone is the loudest in the whole MTC i would bet money on it. Samoa, Marshalls and kiribati all flying out on the same plane the other passengers are going to hate their flight i feel. I sent a fake letter to my companion and he thought it was a girl when he got it the reaction was priceless. He opened it up and was so excited and just watching the excitement turn to a reaction of basically "you jerk" was absolutely hilarious!! The food here is going from good to bearable to the point now hwere i just really really contemplate on going hungry and fasting for the entire week until temple day where there is real food in the cafeteria. haha. I just really want to get out there it is going to be an adventure and i really want to experience it. All the support has more than helped me stay it has helped me realize who i am and who i am trying to be. I have definitely started to lose myself out here and all that is left to do is love the people and when the time is right i will be able to again find myself but not as i once knew me. I look forward to that day. I am trying to get these pictures to work but they are giving me a hard time so hopefully ill have something to send home. This week sped by and i can only imagine the next 3 disappearing, i know i want out now but when the time comes i will feel unprepared. I will just have to be sure and remember that it does not matter how unprepared i feel as long as i know i am trying my hardest I will have what i need and that will be all that matters.
Well I love you all and thanks again for the love and encouragement.
Love, Elder Scot Carrington ;)

Friday, September 5, 2014

All is Well. Bwai ni kabene Raoiroi

This past week and a half here at the MTC has been a very different experience for me. At first I was optimistic about being at the MTC and then i realized just how much I had back at home and things started to get to me. I found out I had said why i was going on a mission all the time before I left, but now that I was here it seemed like i didn't. As these days have gone by I have come to realize 3 things of many in particular. 1. The food absolutely wrecks you, ugh. 2. I know now why I am here I can feel it and I know it. 3. The Spirit is always with us even when we feel utterly alone. I can not explain by any other way why I am so content with being here for another 5 weeks other than the spirit, I want more than anything still to get to the islands dont get me wrong the MTC is hard, but I know there is so much more out there, there is so much to take place ahead of me. Yes the food isn't the greatest, sure two 3 hour classes and one 4 1/2 hour class almost everyday is boring and crazy, but I have learned so much while being here. When i first got here i thought just make it through the MTC and you'll be fine, but if I did it like that i wouldn't. As i searched for God once more in my life to become closer to Him seeing He was the only one in my immediate presence that could help and quite possibly the only one who could help, i came to know him. I saw his angels which he sent to bear me up. I have felt the joy of heaven here and the day for me to leave is going to come too fast. I felt inadequate when i arrived and maybe i was right, but we all are really that's why we must turn to Christ He makes up the other half and all of the sudden I can start to feel maybe i am not so inadequate after all. I can do this. I know our Savior live and He is with us alway. I may not feel prepared as Scot to teach and speak Kiribati in 6 weeks, but He is and with Him I am. I love you all and I know that there is a plan for each of us as is there a lifeline permanently there for each and everyone of us we must but clear the fog away by humbling ourselves and asking in prayer for it. I miss you all, but i am doing well for I am in the presence of My God.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Missionary Photos

Here are the photos we took before Super Scot entered the MTC. 

We are so proud of his decision to serve a mission. The journey he will go on for the next 2 years will be wonderful!