Sunday, December 7, 2014

                                               Preparing makes a difference

This week was teutana imwiin teutana or little after little, but it has been a good learning week for sure! Out here I have learned the importance of obedience even moreso. I know that missionaries have a few more rules to follow than others, but whatever they are they are important to follow. They do more than just keep us safe or going on the right path, they prepare us for the bigger picture. Abiding by the standards set for us prepares us to make a difference. If we are only kind of obedient then can we truly feel the full capacity of the spirit can we fulfill everything that we need to? I have found that sure a missionary can still teach with being only mostly obedient but in the end what if it isn't quite enough for the one person that needed to feel that spirit that you would have had that you could have given. I know that when we live by the standards set by the Lord we will be blessed and not only that, but we will bless the lives of others. I think that is a good thing to focus on with the christmas season here is others, because truly that is what our savior did. He gave the ultimate gift for us and His love surrounds us. We can help pass along this gift to others, what greater a gift could we give to others? I know that my Savior lives, He gave His life for the sins of the world. In Him we can find peace and comfort. For this Christmas remember the Christ in "Christ"mas, surely that is what it is all about. I know through my own search and finding that this church is true the Book of Mormon is true and was translated by the true prophet Joseph Smith. We have a living prophet today who guides us and will not lead us astray. I know these things with my heart to be true. In the name of Jesus Christ amen.
Love Elder Scot Carrington
P.S. My bro had a great idea and I would like to borrow it, Check out and pass it along see and feel what it is all about. :)

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