Howdy! or Kam na bane ni mauri rather!
First off I hope yous all had an amazingly stellar Christmas this last week, I know mine was pretty spectacular! Hopefully New Year's is great and we got some good resolutions rolling! This week was pretty sweet teaching about the spirit of Christmas and having the spirit testify so strongly is one of the best feelings in the world! We had a Christmas Choir from the schools here come around and sing carols at the chapels Christmas eve and it reminded me of high school days.
On top of Christmas this week I was able to see just how real the gift of tongues is. I am definitely not bwati raoi or the best at speaking the language yet but I can look back to the MTC and see for myself how i have improved and the other day I met a man from another church who had been out here for over 2 years we were with the other elders and he talked about how he didn't speak very good at the language and he just teaches in English at his meetings and such but when he heard the elders speak, he was pretty amazed and asked how long we'd been here and some were 10 months, over a year, 3 months for me and he was amazed how much we got the language and how we sounded and just kept wondering how. It testified to me that because we have been promised the gift of tongues as long as we kept our part we would receive the Lord's end of the deal. I know that so long as we keep our promises we will receive the blessings of the Lord in His own due time and sometimes we have or are receiving His gifts and we just cant see them yet. Our Father in Heaven loves us and would never leave us to be alone. I know that He is always there and we need only knock, He is waiting to open the door. I love this gospel and know it is true with my heart, search and you will find it. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.